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Planning Board Minutes 02/03/2000
(603) 798-4350

FEBRUARY 3, 2000

PRESENT: Chairman Tracy Scott, Ted Bailey, Joanna McIntosh, Pauline Cote, Ron Lesieur, Harold Arey, Richard DeBold, Stan Brehm, Andrea Deachman

Chairman Scott introduced the Board and explained how the evening’s agenda would proceed and asked the members of the Board to review the minutes of January 6, 2000.

The following changes were made: Page 2, paragraph 2:  Tony Tepper to Scott Tepper and again in the comments on page 2.

Motion was made to accept the minutes with the changes.

                Arey/McIntosh                   (Passed)

Chairman Scott wanted it to be known that Paul Adams had resigned from the Board and that the years of service to the Board were greatly appreciated.

PUBLIC HEARING:                                 TOWN OF CHICHESTER
                                                        ZONING CHANGES
                                                        SUBDIVISION REGULATIONS

This is a subdivision regulation change.

Steve MacCleery had comments on the length of road the Board came up with.
Jim Mullaney was still concerned that there should be an exception to the rule if future development would eliminate the dead end road and asked if such wording was in the regulation.  Chairman Scott stated there would not be any provision for future development.

Motion was made to accept the new wording of this subdivision regulation.

                Arey/McIntosh                   (Passed)


Mr. MacCleery had comments on approved lots in a subdivision and disagrees with limiting number of lots per subdivision.

Motion was made to accept the Growth Management Ordinance as written.

                        Arey/McIntosh           (Passed)

PUBLIC HEARING:                                                  Northern Home Sales
Elwin Flanders Trust, Owner
Site Review-Manufactured Housing
Map 4, Lot 165, Dover Road

Abutters present: Joanne Luikmil, Ed Mott and Mark McNichol

Peter Holden presented the Board with final plans.  All the issues that the Town Engineer was concerned with have been resolved.  Driveway permit and septic design numbers need to be on the plan.  Remove note #5 and change owner of record or note #1.

Mrs. Luikmil still is concerned with the water no longer feeding her well when the project is complete.  Mr. Holden assured her that there should be no problems but feel free to contact the owner if a problem occurs after the project is complete.

Mr. Holden will talk with the owner of Northern Home Sales about the escrow account .

Public Hearing will be continued until March 2, 2000.

DESIGN REVIEW/                          Mike McManus
PUBLIC HEARING:                         Site review – retail sales
                                                Heavy Equipment
                                                Map 4, Lot 150, Dover Road
Unable to attend.

DESIGN REVIEW/                          Mark Drew
PUBLIC HEARING:                         Subdivision
Map 1, Lot 4, Short Falls Road

Unable to attend.

DESIGN REVIEW:                          Fred Bassett
                                                5 Lot Subdivision
                                                Map 7, Lot 30, Bear Hill & Durgin Roads
Unable to attend.

DESIGN REVIEW:                                                Canterbury Manor, LLC,
Gilbert Lazich, Owner
1 Lot Subdivision
Map 4, Lot 168, Dover Rd. & Main St.
Ron Lesieur will be stepping down for this hearing as he is an abutter. Pauline Cote will be a voting member for this hearing.
Abutters Present: Ron Lesieur, Elizabeth Whiting, Mark McNichol and Elwin Flanders

Jim Mullaney presented the Board with plans for the subdivision.  There will be an easement for the driveway from the original piece to avoid crossing wetlands.

Concerns of the Board is the amount of wetlands and  the driveway access off of Main Street and the close proximity to the Route 4 intersection.

Driveway permit has not yet been applied for and District 5 will look into the traffic issues.

Public Hearing will be set for March 2, 2000.

DESIGN REVIEW:                                          Canterbury Manor, LLC,
Gilbert Lazich, Owner
Site review – Self Storage Units
Map 4, Lot 168, Dover Rd. & Main St.

Abutters Present: Ron Lesieur, Elizabeth Whiting, Mark McNichol and Elwin Flanders

Mr. Mullaney presented the Board with plans for the site review. There will be 8 large units of various sizes most of the area will be paved and fenced in. The trees will remain on the Main Street side of the property to act as a natural barrier. The sign will be on Route 4.

Mr. Mullaney states he hopes to purchase the abutting property on Route 4 and change the access to come off of Route 4.

The plan needs to show well and septic, driveway permit number, all abutters within 200 feet of any property line, name of owner on the plan.

A concern was fire passage behind the buildings.  Mr. Mullaney will have them shortened to allow adequate fire lane. Mr. Mullaney states that the Fire Department has encroached on this property and he has to call the chief anyway.  Chairman Scott will speak with the Fire Chief also.

Board concern about the wetlands, pavement and driveway.  Chairman Scott will call SEA to review the plan.

Public Hearing set for March 2, 2000


DISCUSSION:                                     Frank Merrill
                                                5 lot Subdivision
                                                Map 10, Lot 5, Pleasant Street

Tim Bernier presented the Board with plans for the subdivision, wetlands will be delineated on the plan.  The Board has no issues with this plan.

Design Review/Public Hearing set for March 2, 2000.

DISCUSSION:                                     Carol Leonard
                                                Chichester Bear Hill Realty, Owner
                                                Birthing Center
                                                Map 4, Lot 157B, Dover Road                                             

Ms. Leonard presented the Board with drawings on what she would like to do with this property, she would like the Boards input on the area and if this is an acceptable use of the property.

The Board informed Ms. Leonard that this property seemed to be quite wet and suggested she have a surveyor or soil scientist a call to walk the property.  She would like to build a small house for a birthing center and plans to have around 4 births a month.  Ms. Leonard is aware that she would need to apply for a driveway permit from the state. She is also aware that the state requires different septic designs than a home.

The Board is in agreement that this is a permitted use in the town.

Ms. Leonard will contact the Board when she is ready to continue.

DISCUSSION:                                     Loren Mayville
                                                1 Lot Subdivision
                                                Map 4, Lot 51, Horse Corner Road

Mr. Mayville presented the Board with a sketch of how he plans to divide a 5 acre lot from his existing lot for his son to build.  The Board informed Mr. Mayville that a surveyor would have to do the plan for him and go through the subdivision regulations.

Mr. Mayville will contact the Board when he is ready to continue.

The Board will have a working meeting on Thursday, February 10, 2000 to put together a synopsis on the zoning changes.

Motion was made to adjourn.

                Brehm/Lesieur                   (Passed)

Meeting adjourned at 9:50pm

                                                Respectfully submitted,

                                                Tracy Scott, Chairman